Our Service Policy
We are a gratuity free restaurant, tipping is not necessary or expected. However, instead of gratuity being included in the menu prices, it will appear at the bottom of the check as an 19% service charge. 100% of these funds are distributed to our team in the form of wages and benefits. Gratuity being built into the menu prices often caused our guests to want to leave an additional tip as they weren’t able to see what amount was being left for service. A service charge means our guests can rest assured knowing what portion of their bill is going directly to the staff.
We have always been committed to compensating our staff fairly and competitively across all positions. However, the current industry-standard tipping model and the ever-changing laws that govern it create a system in which front-of-house and back-of-house employees are not compensated equally. Our service policy addresses this disparity once and for all and allows us to provide a more equitable, dependable, and sustainable working environment.
All of our employees, full-time and part-time alike, earn above a living wage and receive paid vacation, paid sick leave, and paid maternity & paternity leave.
Cultivating a happy, committed staff is our way of ensuring that you continue to enjoy warm, attentive service and wonderful food each and every time you dine with us.
Thank you for supporting us through the years. We welcome your comments and invite you to share your thoughts by emailing us.